Creating your own m v player
Required VARS for deploying
Good to know you showed interest in M V Player down are some required vars which u can get with the suitable bots and sites
The required things
API_ID = Telegram org (your API_ID) API_HASH = Telegram org (your API_HASH) BOT_TOKEN = BotFather (your bot token) BOT_USERNAME = BotFather (your bot username) BOT_NAME = BotFather (fill with your bot name from @BotFather) ASSISTANT_NAME = fill with the assistant username account without @ SESSION_NAME = StringGen (fill with the pyrogram String Session) SUDO_USERS = list of user ids to be added to sudo member list, or just fill with your id in integer GROUP_SUPPORT = if you have group, then fill the group username here without @ otherwise keep this Miss_AkshiV1_Support UPDATES_CHANNEL = if you have channel, then fill the channel username here without @ otherwise keep this Professor_Ashu OWNER_NAME = fill with your telegram account username without @
how to Deploy
First you need a github account Second thing you need the above vars Third thing a heroku account
Last updated